The Analysis of Traditional Muslim Bridal by Makeup Artists on Instagram Media
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The presence of make-up artists with uploads of their works on Instagram is a lot of reference cosmetology at this time. This study aims (1) to find out details of traditional bridal make-up made by Make up artist and (2) compare the makeup trends applied to traditional bridal make-up by Make up Artist. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques with documentation. The document is in the form of Instagram social media account holders @heramua, @neymakeup, @mutiarapermata_mua. The results of this research are: (1) Solo Putri bridal make-up on account @heramua is different from Solo Putri makeup in general, that is, not using paes on the bride's forehead. The Bridal Makeup on the @Neymakeup Account uses the Korean look concept, where facial makeup looks natural and fresh. The traditional bride on the account @mutiarapermata_mua flawless make up but slightly emphasizes the makeup in the eye area that is the addition of thick eyelashes and dark eye shadow. (2) Flawless make up was made a concept by @heramua and @mutiarapermata_mua, not only because of client demands but also a trend among adolescent girls because the results of makeup that look more natural. @neymakeup uses the concept of Korean look where the results of facial makeup do not correct the face much and display the face looking natural and fresh.
Kehadiran Make up Artis dengan unggahan karyanya pada media Instagram banyak menjadi referensi tata rias pada saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui detail tata rias pengantin tradisional berhijab karya Make up Artis dan (2) membandingkan trend tata rias yang diaplikasikan pada pengantin tradisional berhijab karya Make up Artis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan dokumentasi. Dokumen berupa media sosial instagram pemilik akun @heramua, @neymakeup, @mutiarapermata_mua. Hasil peneliti ini adalah: (1) Tata rias pengantin Solo Putri pada Akun @heramua berbeda dengan riasan Solo Putri pada umumnya yaitu tidak menggunakan paes di dahi pengantin. Tata Rias Pengantin pada Akun @Neymakeup menggunakan konsep Korean look, dimana make up wajah terlihat natural dan segar. Pengantin tradisional pada Akun @mutiarapermata_mua flawless make up tetapi sedikit mempertegas riasan di area mata yaitu penambahan bulu mata yang tebal dan bayangan sudut mata terlihat gelap dan (2) Make up flawless dijadikan konsep oleh @heramua dan @mutiarapermata_mua, tidak hanya karena tuntutan klien tetapi juga trend di kalangan remaja wanita karena hasil make up yang terlihat lebih natural. @neymakeup menggunakan konsep Korean look dimana hasil riasan wajah tidak banyak mengkoreksi wajah dan menampilkan wajah terlihat natural dan segar.
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